Applications are Evil

A website devoted to saving the world from applications*

Here are examples of doing the job without running an application:
Product name Purpose Platform License Current Version Last Updated
Alternate Data Streams Shell Makes NTFS alternate data streams accessible from within Windows shell Windows XP or later Freeware 1.4 29-Jan-2016
BITS Shell File copier/download manager, utilizing BITS, integrated into Windows shell Windows XP or later Freeware 1.1.1 23-Jun-2014
DB Brother SQLite database browser integrated into Windows shell Windows 7 or later Freeware 1.3 02-Jun-2024
Environment Variables Manager Replaces Windows Environment Variables applet Windows XP or later Freeware 1.4.2 25-Jul-2018
File Extensions Shell File type associations viewer, file finder, mass file extension changer, file processing framework Windows XP or later Freeware 1.3 09-Dec-2017
Operatorr Torrent file viewer and aria2 launcher Windows 7 or later Freeware 1.0 04-Jan-2023
Previewww Preview web sites in Windows Explorer Windows Vista or later Freeware 1.3 24-Mar-2021
Registry Shortcuts Organize and access registry keys from Windows Explorer Windows Vista or later Freeware 1.4.1 17-Sep-2021
*Applications are kind of computer software RSS (c) 2006-2024